We Have Our 20 Lucky Winners: CBD Gift Boxes on Their Way!

gift box icana lottery

Thank you to everyone who entered our CBD gift box lottery! We had an overwhelming response and are excited to announce that we have found our 20 lucky winners.

If you subscribed to i-cana.com's newsletter and received an email from us, check your inbox to see if you're one of the lucky winners. If you are, please respond to the email as soon as possible with your shipping address so we can send you your gift box right away.

Our CBD gift box includes a variety of products to help you relax, reduce stress, ease pain, and more. From CBD oils and capsules to topicals and edibles, this gift box has everything you need to experience the benefits of CBD.

We're thrilled to be able to share these products with you and hope they bring you the relief and relaxation you deserve. We're committed to providing high-quality CBD products and excellent customer service, and we couldn't be happier to have you as a part of our community.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry. We'll be offering more giveaways and promotions in the future, so be sure to stay subscribed to our newsletter. And if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help.

Thank you again to everyone who entered our CBD gift box lottery. We hope you enjoy your products and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank you for your trust !

Your iCana Team 

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